2024 Jill Evans Memorial Award
On Saturday 28 September, 120 adult dancers performed at the Harlequin Theatre and I am beyond proud. Over the years the Dance First community has grown in strength, and I am humbled to be a part of it. The support and love everyone shows each other not only behind the scenes but on stage comes through in their dancing. It is a joy to watch and it is powerful. Adult dancers as young as twenty dancing with dancers in their seventies and eighties. Each generation learning from each other, and all ages inspiring one another.
One of our lovely dancers and friend, Jill Evans, passed away 2 years ago. Jill epitomised what Dance First is all about. Her memory, her support, her love of her fellow students and dance lives on. The Jill Evans Memorial Award was awarded for the first time in 2023 to our amazing Jan. And this year Jan, along with Jill's husband Gordon proudly presented the Jill Evans Award to our 2024 recipient Nicole Barry. Nicole, our sunshine girl. For courage, compassion and kindness. Congratulations Nicole!